Company childcare
Family-friendliness and company-supported childcare can have a major impact on the competitiveness and image of a company. With a professional and tailored programme for childcare, small, medium-sized and large companies benefit in many ways.
Good reasons to provide your employees with a place at Zuckertag:
- You increase your attractiveness as an employer to attract skilled workers
- You strengthen the loyalty of your employees
- You shorten parental leave and reduce family-related absence from work
- You create a positive working atmosphere and more motivated employees
Be a pioneer in a life-phase-oriented personnel policy, because you can rely on your mums and dads!
This not only increases the economic benefit of a company, but also the motivation of your employees.
Booking of places
The easiest way to offer your employees suitable childcare, even on short notice: Book a childcare place or an entire contingent of places including a desk at Zuckertag! You can allocate the places to your employees at your own discretion – the ideal solution for smaller companies.
The advantages for your company:
- Your employees keep a leg up in business even during parental leave
- Your employees are back at work sooner
- With very little effort, you can promote yourself as an employer who provides childcare for their employees
- Your support attracts the best in your industry
- There is no need for retraining and, with a bit of luck, no need to look for a substitute
We calculate the costs for your individual needs. The amount depends on the number of places booked, the availability of places and special requirements such as special pedagogical content and the respective booking times.
Dynamic demand
Every three months you can adjust the current demand of your company. You only pay for the places you actually need for your employees’ children!