

Here your child can feel at home.


Eight children between the ages of 3 and school entry are cared for in our city-approved and subsidized kindergarten. The care takes place in child-friendly, lovingly designed and bright rooms, a separate gym as well as the spacious outdoor area with playground and generous green space.

We warmly welcome all children and look forward to a wonderful time together.


concept kindergarten


The Zuckertag care groups see themselves as a family-supporting facility. The Bavarian Education and Upbringing Plan (BEP) places special emphasis on toddler-specific needs (e.g. basic trust, security and safety) and on strengthening basic skills (among other things, self-awareness, social skills and resilience). The children are co-creators of their own understanding of the world and have the opportunity to develop their sense of self-determination and independence in the groups.

The pedagogues are active role models for the children and support them on their way to personality development and consolidation of individuality in everyday group life. This way, the children’s thirst for knowledge and ability to learn are encouraged with fun and enthusiasm.

A daily routine with recurring rituals gives the children a sense of security and stability. Within this routine, it is easy for the children to absorb, internalise and process all new experiences.

The structure of our annual group activities is oriented around the seasons, traditional festivals and the individual needs of the children. The pedagogues of the Zuckertag care groups see the parents as “experts of their children” and value a partnership based on mutual appreciation.

Dear Family,

We are very much looking forward to welcoming your child to the children’s group.

All new beginnings are difficult, but do not worry, we will accompany your child and you with advice and support! The following information will help you to settle in following the Berliner Einewöhnungsmodell (Berlin Familiarisation Model):

The process of familiarisation

During the first three days, you and your child will stay in the group for one hour. We will assign you a fixed place in the group room from which your child can always see you and can go to you. We approach your child and include him or her in the play. If your child wants to go to a toy that is further away from where you are, we take the opportunity and go with your child.

On the fourth day of familiarisation, we will start with the first separation. Before this, you will have about ten to twenty minutes to arrive calmly in the group. The pedagogue will let you know as soon as you can say goodbye to your child and leave the room. Leave the room even if your child is crying. We take over the part of comforting and playing from then on.

On the fifth day, when your child is ready, we extend the period of separation. It is very important that the separation takes place every day, even if it only lasts no more than three minutes. This way, your child will experience that you always come back after you have left the group room.

It is important to note that we always adapt to the pace of your child!

Familiarisation period:

A designated accompanying person (mum, dad, grandma, grandpa, babysitter) accompanies your child during the entire familiarisation period. Our experience has shown that a change confuses the child and makes the familiarisation period more difficult for the child.

Separation & pick-up:

Please always say goodbye to your child before you leave the room, even if your child is crying.

Make the pick-up situation as short as possible.

Sleep phase:

If your child is sleeping for the first time at Zuckertag, please come to our co-working café at 12.00 and wait until he/she has woken up. Your child needs to be able to greet you as soon as he or she wakes up.


Always praise your child when you pick them up, even if they are crying.

You can do the following things to support your child during the familiarisation period:

Attend one of our classes together. This will help your child to build up trust in the centre and he or she will remember the visit positively.

Treat yourself to a coffee in our children’s café and spend some time with your child in the playroom. You will receive a voucher for a cappuccino and a babyccino at the reception.

We get our food from the small but excellent Munich catering Kinderessen Krag.

When planning the menus, we pay attention to regional and seasonal products. No frozen, convenience or ready-made products, flavour enhancers, yeast extracts or spice mixtures are used in the preparation of the meals. These could trigger allergies or neurodermatitis, especially in children.

We emphasise healthy nutrition and the processing of ecologically correct products.  With healthy and nutritious food, we make sure that all children feel good and thereby support their healthy development.

Especially for soups, sauces and broths, only natural ingredients such as beef, veal and chicken bones are used instead of dried soup powder. Spaetzle, dumplings, soup ingredients or side dishes such as mashed potatoes and “Brettl Nocken” are all produced by the caterer themselves.

It is important to us to offer vegetarian dishes as well.


We want to cater especially for children with allergies or food intolerances and offer, by prior arrangement, a personal meal plan.

In our work, we place particular emphasis on:

  • Openness and tolerance
  • Loving care
  • Monitoring the development of the children
  • Portfolio work with the children
  • Intensive language development
  • Sleeping and relaxation arrangements
  • Personal hygiene/no nappies
  • Advice and support for parents
  • Mediation of support services for parents
  • Cooperation with public services and specialist services
  • Implementation of the Bavarian Education and Upbringing Plan (BEP)
  • Inclusion of all families within our day care centre
  • Informative transparency of our work
  • Mutual appreciation within the whole team

Booking times

7:30 am – 18:00 pm

closing times
18.05.&19.05.2023 Brückentag & Chritsi Himmelfahrt (Feiertag)
29.05.2023 Pfingstmontag (Feiertag)
08.06. & 09.06.2023 Fronleichnam (Feiertag) & Brückentag
14.08.-01.09.2023 Sommerschließzeit
04.09.-05.09.2023  Konzepttage

Auch Zuckertag benötigt einmal Pause. Deshalb schließen unsere Einrichtungen an bis zu 30 Tagen pro Jahr. Zusätzlich können unsere Einrichtungen zu Fortbildungszwecken an bis zu 5 weiteren Tagen pro Jahr geschlossen werden.


  • childcare costs Au

Zuckertag locations


In der Au


Regerstraße 52 81541 München
089 20 32 07 19

0 – 6 years

opening hours
Mo-Fr 07:30 am – 18:00 pm